Updates & News

05.04.2024 - HAPPY STAR WARS DAY! The current data for Operation Superheroes is 119 cache hides in 8 different countries. Zumby65 from California                           places the first container in the gallery for OPERATION SCI-FI. Click on the camera icon above to see.

05.02.2024 - Click the PAST PROJECTS link on the MENU bar to see the data from prior projects. 

04.28-2024 - Happy National Superheroes Day. The Bookmark List will take about a week to completely populate as OPERATION Superheroes cache hiders 
​                     send in their cache pages.

10.31.2024 - Now available! Operation Worldwide Cache Hide personalized trading cards.

12.13.2024 - A container image has been placed in the gallery by Ratherbehiking from Texas. Click the camera icon above to see. All I can say is this, 
                     "Klaatu barada nikto."

12.29.2024 - The first Operation SCI Fi Builder's Event (GCAVZJH) has been published by zumby65 in California. How about some more events to get                                     your area exciting about participating in this year's mass hide?

01.05.2025 - Another Builder's Event (GCB20YG) has been published by the Deadliest Cachers in the Buffalo, NY area. Glad to see the word is beginning to

01.29.2025 -  EcoNature from Saskatchewan, Canada is holding a power-packed builder's event (GCB2PBE) on March 2nd.

​                      A link to the Builder's Events Bookmark List has been placed on the page. Let's keep those events coming to spread the word.

01.30.2025 - The official commercial has been released. Share it on social media to spread the word.

02.03.2025 - "Beam me up, Scotty," the Deadliest Cachers from New York, USA have places their warp speed capable container in the gallery. Click on the 
                      camera icon above to access the image.

02.16.2025 - Sister-act, Linder813 and Little TRACKS from New York USA, have placed their container images in the gallery.  Click on the camera icon above to                       access the image.


"If you hide it, they will come."
Welcome to OPERATION Worldwide Cache Hide. The purpose of this endeavor is to bring together geocachers from around the world to hide creative caches that will be mass-published on a specific day. This project is designed to promote creativity, community interaction, and some good old fashion fun. Below you will find all the details you need to know in order to participate.
Cache Creating Guidelines


1.) Your hide must be themed to the current project subject.

2.) You may use the container type and size of your choice.

​3.) You may make it any cache type you want.


1.) Submit your geocache hide page to your local reviewer by no later than 14 days prior to the publishing date of the current cache hide project.

2.) Include the following note to your reviewer:

"The cache IS NOT ready to be published yet. This geocache is part of a series that will be published on May 4, 2025 @ 8am. If everything checks out, please set up the geocache for publishing at that time." 

Note: Include other reviewer information about your hide such as container description and how it was hidden. 

4,) Use the current project prefix OPERATION SCI-FI at the 
beginning of the title of your geocache hide to identify it as part of the geocache series.

Note 1: When you submit the cache page, make sure it is completed because when the reviewer sets up the publishing timer for the current promotion, they will lock the cache page and no further changes can be made until it’s published.

Note 2: The publishing time will be 8am no matter what time zone you are in.
What to do When 
Your Geocache Gets Published?

1.) Change the HIDDEN date on the cache page to the date the cache was published.

2.) On the day your cache is published, email the cache page link to geocachingcentral@aol.com. At that time your cache hide will be added to the official Bookmark List for the project and you will receive your Participation Badge.
Cache Page Project Logo

Download the logo below and insert it at the bottom of your cache page to identify your hide as part of the project.
Current Project


Select the science fiction subject of your 
choice from any type of media, and create
a themed geocache to be published on...

Sunday, May 4th, 2025 at 8am
"Star Wars Day."

The Official Trackable

'Marvin the Martian' is the official 'Operation Sci-Fi' trackable. Use tracking code: OG0N48 to discover him by clicking on Marvin's image.
Cache Hider's Participation Badge

All cachers who hide at least 1 geocache for the current project and have it published on the project's mass publishing date, will receive a digital participatant's badge that can be displayed on their geocaching account  profile page. After your published hide has been place on the Bookmark List (see above), your badge will be emailed to you.
Send in a Photo

When your container is completed for the current project, email 1 image to geocachingcentral@aol.com along with your geocache name plus the state/province and country you live in. All container images will be displayed in the project's image gallery.

Event Host Personalized Badge

Help spread the word about the current project by hosting an event. Event hosts (the caching account the event is published under) will receive a digital personalized host's badge to proudly display on their geocaching account profile page. To claim your badge, do the following:

1.) Select an event date, at least 1.5 months prior to the current project's  publishing date, to inform potential hiders and talk about cache building. 

2.) Have the current project name contained in the title of your event. 

3.) Insert the current Cache Page Project Logo at the bottom of your event page.

4.) When the event page is published, send the page link to geocachingcentral@aol.com

Note: Any geocachers who host a KICKOFF event on the current project's mass cache publishing date are also eligible for the event host badge.


Why not look good while you're creating your cache AWESOME containers. The t-shirts come in multiple colors.
Trading Cards

Get your OPERATION Worldwide Cache Hide personalized trading cards here.
Operation Worldwide Cache Hide is brought to you by these fine sponsors
The Official Commercial

Spread the word about OPERATION Worldwide Cache Hide by sharing this commercial on social media.