Mass Publish Date - 09.19.2023
147 Geocaches Hidden
7 Countries - USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Hungary, Australia
& New Zealand
Container Image Gallery
Pirate Jim
The official trackable of 
The Pirate Project

The Pirate Project Commercial
produced by JimRKY and Halemeister
Welcome to OPERATION Worldwide Cache Hide. The purpose of these projects are to bring geocachers from around the world together in collaboration to produce a mass publishing of themed geocache hides. These projects is designed to promote creativity, community interaction, and some good old fashion fun. Check out the details on the main page for hiding  guidelines and tips.
OPERATION Worldwide Cache Hide is brought to you 
by these fine sponsors:


Mass Publish Date - 04.28.2024
121 Geocaches Hidden
8 Countries - USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Hungary, Australia, New Zealand, Slovakia & Greece
Container Image Gallery
Heroes in a Half Shell
The official trackable of 
OPERATION Superheroes

OPERATION Superheroes Commercials
produced by JimRKY and Halemeister
"If you hide it, they will come."